With responsibility for the future
Quality is a watchword for us at Tilka. We place high demands on our suppliers and has its own detailed inspection of the products we will deliver to customers.
Since 1998 is Tilka third-party certified to the quality management system ISO 9001. We are also certified in accordance with ISO 14001 standard. Our facilities in Mönsterås is located right next to the sea in a beautiful small town. For us it is natural to focus on the environment and how we affect it.
Everyone must do their part – we on Tilka follows the laws and regulations that exist. We have installed district heating in our facility and have a good system for the sorting of garbage and waste.
The work on quality and environmental issues will never be complete. It is a continuous improvement in Tilkas everyday. We are proud of that.
Check with us
Our different processes ensure that our articles meet the required requirements.